Tag Archives: South Florida Bankruptcy Attorneys

What are Allowed Living Expenses in a Chapter 13 Repayment Plan
The repayment plan is the centerpiece of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This plan can last up to five years, and it identifies how much you will pay to your creditors. Any debt that remains at the end of the repayment period gets wiped out, and you can walk away free. At its simplest, a… Read More »

Credit Card Debt Continues to Increase
According to Value Penguin, the average American household had $5,700 in credit card debt as of November 2018. The median (or midpoint) debt was $2,300. However, these numbers also include the households that carried no debt. By narrowing the analysis to households with debt, the numbers were much scarier: an average debt of $9,333…. Read More »

How to Make Bankruptcy Go as Smoothly as Possible
Bankruptcy provides our clients with a way to get out from under mountains of debt so that they can gain some breathing room. The bankruptcy process is relatively straightforward and there is no reason to make the process more difficult than it needs be. Having helped thousands of people successfully complete bankruptcy, we offer… Read More »