Should You File for Bankruptcy With or Without a Lawyer?

Most New Year’s resolutions fall apart quickly, especially those where you resolve to make permanent changes to which you can recommit on a daily basis or those where the outcome is largely outside your control. For example, most of the people who resolve to never eat junk food again do not make it past January before they are back in line at Baskin Robbins. If you resolve to lose 100 pounds by 2026, you will feel discouraged if summer rolls around and you have only lost 20 pounds, despite that you have made progress toward your goal. One and done actions, such as filing petitions in court are among the most feasible New Year’s resolutions. People who resolve to file for divorce in the new year often file a divorce petition on the first Monday in January and then spend the rest of the year bragging about it, at least until the reality of divorce sets in. Likewise, once you file a bankruptcy petition, your resolution to file for bankruptcy in the new year is a success; from there, the bankruptcy case will run itself. Of course, before you file for bankruptcy, you must decide whether to represent yourself or hire a bankruptcy lawyer to represent you. If your bankruptcy case is complex, you should contact a Jupiter chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer.
Factors That Determine Whether You Should Hire a Lawyer to Represent You in Your Bankruptcy Case
AS with almost all legal actions, people who file for bankruptcy protection have the right to represent themselves in court or to hire lawyers to represent them. The simpler your bankruptcy case, the lower the risks associated with representing yourself in bankruptcy court. Most people who represent themselves in their bankruptcy cases do so because they cannot afford to hire a lawyer. These applicants almost always file for chapter 7 bankruptcy because their employment income, if any, is low, and because they do not own any non-exempt assets.
In everything except the simplest bankruptcy cases, it is a good idea to hire a lawyer. For example, if you own any assets that might not be exempt from liquidation in a chapter 7 case, you have a better chance of keeping more of your property if you hire a bankruptcy lawyer than if you represent yourself. Whether you file under chapter 7 or chapter 13, a bankruptcy lawyer can negotiate with creditors effectively so that the amount of debt relief you get from your bankruptcy case makes it well worth the cost of legal representation. It is especially important to hire a bankruptcy lawyer if some of the debts that you are seeking to discharge by filing for bankruptcy are secured by assets such as your house or your car.
Work With a Debt Lawyer About Filing for Bankruptcy in the New Year
A South Florida debt lawyer can help you achieve your New Year’s resolution of filing for bankruptcy, even if you are considering representing yourself in your case. Contact Nowack & Olson, PLLC in Jupiter, Florida to discuss your case.