How To Find The Right Bankruptcy Attorney

If you have thought about filing for bankruptcy after experiencing financial constraints related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not alone. At least 17 major retailers have been sent into bankruptcy during the year since the virus landed on American soil and many individuals have similarly turned to bankruptcy in an attempt to escape growing financial constraints. According to statistics compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence, bankruptcies are on track to hit the highest numbers in a decade and this surge is unlikely to decrease any time soon in the face of the global crisis that continues to rage on.
If you decide bankruptcy is the right option for you, entrusting your case into the hands of an experienced bankruptcy attorney can be one of the best ways to help maximize your chances of obtaining one. But how do you find the right attorney?
Why Working With a Bankruptcy Attorney is Beneficial
Filing for bankruptcy can be a good way to help those who are struggling with serious debt salvage their financial situation. But while the bankruptcy process can help you overcome the financial difficulties you may be facing, that doesn’t mean successfully obtaining one is simple. If you have found yourself in a tough spot financially, the assistance of a good bankruptcy lawyer can help you distinguish early on whether pursuing bankruptcy is a viable option or you should instead be focusing on another pathway toward improvement of your financial situation. If bankruptcy would be a good idea for you, your attorney can also help you determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. And if and when you decide to move forward, your attorney should be there to guide and advise you throughout the bankruptcy process.
With that said, not every attorney is right for every client and unfortunately, serious consequences can result from making the wrong decision when it comes to placing your hands in the case of the wrong bankruptcy attorney.
Three Ways to Find a Bankruptcy Attorney
- Referrals. People you know can be an invaluable resource when you are looking for an attorney if they can recommend someone that they have already had a great experience with.
- Online reviews. Even a simple internet search can reveal helpful information about attorneys that you are considering in the form of online reviews.
- The bar association. Most local bar associations can also offer some assistance in finding an attorney with the help of compiled directories.
We Offer the Right Legal Assistance
As the Plantation bankruptcy attorneys at Nowack & Olson, PLLC, we are passionate about helping people who have found themselves in tough situations overcome debt problems. We have over 40 years of combined legal experience helping our clients successfully take steps toward better financial futures. When you place your case in our hands, you are placing trust in us and you should know that we genuinely have the best interest of you and your family in mind and want you to become one of our thousands of success stories. Reach out to us today to discuss the best legal options for your individual financial situation.