The Digital Coupon Divide

The Visual Capitalist website recently published a map showing the countries that have the largest populations of non-Internet users. The country with the largest unconnected population is India, but part of the reason for this is that India is the most populous country full stop. More than 80 percent of the population of Ethiopia lives in rural areas where there is no Internet connectivity. In South Florida, everyone can use the Internet, at least in theory, but Internet use varies widely from one person to another and from one demographic group to another. Age and income level make a big difference. When was the last time you saw someone below the age of 60 spend an hour browsing Google search results on a desktop computer at a public library? Seniors may read the news on the Internet, but they still clip coupons out of the newspaper. On the surface, digital coupons do not appear to have much to do with wealth inequality, but when you look at the situation more carefully, it is easy to see that the best deals are available only to the people with the most expensive devices and the most free time to devote to searching for coupons. If you are still broke after judiciously clipping coupons out of the newspaper every week for years, contact a Miami debt lawyer.
The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Stay Poor With Digital Coupons
Federal lawmakers have proposed legislation to prohibit coupon issuing practices that they say discriminate against less digitally enabled people. For example, they are calling for an end to digital only coupons in supermarkets, saying that the retailers must offer equivalent deals on the weekly circular that customers can pick up in the store.
Meanwhile, you can get deep discounts on groceries and just about everything else if you subscribe to coupon apps on your smartphone and participate in online coupon exchange groups. It is easy to see how these types of coupon platforms target a certain consumer, one who has a smartphone with him or her at all times. Such consumers tend to be young, and although most of them do not feel wealthy, they are able to own a smartphone that they do not have to share with family members.
If You Can Afford an Online Couponing Addiction, You Can Afford Bankruptcy
Coupons do not uniformly improve your financial situation. As the spouse of every obsessive coupon shopper knows, coupons can tempt you to buy things you do not need. Of course, if you have the money or the available credit to do this, you have reasons to count your blessings. You have the kind of consumer debt that goes away more easily. For example, you may be able to qualify for a debt consolidation loan. If you have a salaried job, you might also qualify for chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Work With a Debt Lawyer About Digital Coupon Debt
A South Florida debt lawyer can help you if digital coupons have made your financial problems worse. Contact Nowack & Olson, PLLC in Miami, Florida to discuss your case.