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Category Archives: Chapter 7


Can You Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

The good news is that everyone has the right to discharge unpayable debts in bankruptcy, but the bad news is that not all debts are eligible for discharge.  In general, it is easy to discharge debts that you owe to private lenders, such as credit card companies and hospitals, but if the creditor is… Read More »

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Preparing Documents for Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

The most successful New Year’s resolutions are the ones you start working on in the old year.  People who are really serious about losing weight adopt healthy habits starting now, to whatever extent they can, instead of procrastinating until some apparently auspicious date.  The agony of smoking the tenth to last cigarette in what… Read More »

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Be a Relief If You Are Between Jobs

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

You have probably heard a lot of conflicting information about filing for bankruptcy.  Filing for bankruptcy gets rid of all your debts, except when it doesn’t.  The bankruptcy court can sell your possessions, except when it can’t.  Everyone has the right to file for bankruptcy protection, but filing for bankruptcy costs money.  Once you… Read More »

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Filing for Bankruptcy Is Less Scary Than Defaulting on a Debt

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

What do you do when you cannot afford to repay a debt?  All of your options fall into one of two categories, namely running away from the debt or confronting it.  It is not possible to wish a debt out of existence.  You cannot retcon your financial history to where you never promised to… Read More »

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Is Filing for Bankruptcy Worth the Harm to Your Credit Score?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If filing for bankruptcy is so easy, why don’t more people do it?  A lot of people do file for bankruptcy, some of them more than once, but you should not take the decision to go to bankruptcy court lightly.  You can’t just buy anything you want on credit without giving any thought as… Read More »

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Denial of Discharge in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cases

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

The best-case scenario in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case is that the bankruptcy court discharges all of your eligible debts and does not liquidate any of your assets.  When this happens, you get to keep your house and your car, and the court discharges your credit card debts and your old medical bills.  Therefore,… Read More »

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Top Reasons That People File for Bankruptcy

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Getting sued by a creditor is one of the most humiliating things that can happen in a courtroom, but business to consumer lawsuits are unfortunately common in Florida.  Creditors can persuade the court to order you to pay debts that you cannot afford, and when you do not pay (as you have been saying… Read More »

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How To Keep Your Car After A Bankruptcy Filing

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Walking into a courtroom and then walking out with a much lighter debt burden, or at least a promise of a much lighter debt burden, sounds like a dream come true, but filing for bankruptcy protection is not quite that simple.  For one thing, it costs money to file for bankruptcy, and if you… Read More »

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Credit Counseling And Your Bankruptcy Case

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

No two bankruptcy cases are exactly alike, but filing for bankruptcy protection is never anyone’s first attempt to get out of debt.  People only file for bankruptcy after they have made every effort to reduce their discretionary spending, increase their earnings, and buy time to repay their debts.  Why, then, does the court require… Read More »

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Discharging Tax Debts In Bankruptcy Is Easier Than You Might Expect

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

One of the best things about filing for bankruptcy is that you get to tell your creditors to get lost.  Medical bills, credit card debts, and unsecured personal loans that have been making you miserable for years disappear a few months after you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy or a few years after a… Read More »

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