Monthly Archives: December 2023

Does It Make Economic Sense to Lease a Car?
It is usually cheaper in the long run to pay for assets on a permanent basis than a temporary one. If you make mortgage payments on a house for five years, your monthly payments will be less than if you were to make five years’ worth of rent payments on the same house, and… Read More »

The Worst Legal Problems That Debt Can Cause
Debt is a major source of stress for most people. People worry constantly about debts they cannot repay, but really, what is the worst that can happen if you do not pay your debts? You can’t go to debtors’ prison, but you can face some unpleasant consequences. People choose to address their debt because… Read More »

Programs to Help Miami Residents Afford Homeownership
Improving your credit score requires a lot of work over a long period of time, so most people do not do it merely for bragging rights. Someone out there loves attention enough that they might tweet the number “700” to everyone they know on Twitter, just to rub it in their online friends’ faces… Read More »

How Do Your Parents’ Debts Affect Your Finances?
The personal finance industry is fond of reminding us that wealthy people have a different attitude toward money than their counterparts with fewer resources, and this manifests itself in the different financial behavior of the members of each income bracket. Being knowledgeable about the long-term consequences of your financial decisions is admirable, regardless of… Read More »

Frequently Asked Questions About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
The vast majority of bankruptcy filings by individuals take place under chapter 7 or chapter 13 of the bankruptcy code. The shorthand descriptions of the differences between these two types of bankruptcy filing commonly used in the media do not tell you all the details about how the case will go if you file. … Read More »

Frequently Asked Questions About Broward Home Buyer Purchase Assistance
Personal finance experts who tell you that all you have to do if you want to be able to afford to buy a house is to get your act together are grossly oversimplifying the matter. Buying a house is a huge financial undertaking, and most people are only able to do it through a… Read More »

How to Cope If the Bank Unexpectedly Closes Down Your Account
If you have a bank account, even if it is mostly empty most of the time, count your blessings. Working people without bank accounts face an uphill battle when trying to do the things that those with bank accounts take for granted, such as paying bills on auto pay, renting an apartment, or applying… Read More »

Can a Rotating Savings and Credit Association Help You Get Out of Debt?
These days, you can buy almost anything on a buy now pay later (BNPL) basis. Not only can you use BNPL to buy consumer electronics or furniture, but you can also buy groceries and personal care items that, before economic long COVID hit, used to be affordable on your income. Making a $50 monthly… Read More »